Provider Partners
Homes for Adults with Developmental Disabilities - applications for available spaces are managed directly with each program. Please use the following
contacts to check on availability:
Kokua: 360- 705-4465 or www.kokua.org
Ambitions, Inc. 360-763-5995 or ambitions.org
Community Resources: 360-943-6257 or www.community-resources.com
Place One: 360- 491-2396 or www.placeoneinc.com
Dungarvin 360-539-7650 or www.dungarvin.com
Kokua Services – Group Living for the Developmentally Disabled
“Provide citizens with disabilities with the support they need to lead full and meaningful lives.”
Kokua is a residential support agency serving adults with disabilities. Kokua’s mission is to provide the encouragement, support and care necessary to enable persons with disabilities to lead full and meaningful lives. We believe it is the right of our clients to participate in the life of their community, including the right to meaningful work and the right to take measured risks in pursuit of their dreams.
Ambitions, Inc.
Ambitions provides a variety of support services based on individual need and designed to preserve human dignity, protect civil and human rights and encourage the involvement and responsibility of the individual’s family and community. Individuals can expect to experience the following positive outcomes:
Competence to manage daily activities and pursue personal goals
Health and Safety
Integration and participation in the social life of their communities
Relationships with friends, relatives, neighbors, community members, and peers
Personal Power and Choice
Status and positive recognition by self and others
Ambitions of Washington offers Supported Living Services, Employment and Community Access, as well as Child Behavioral Rehabilitative Services.
Placeone provides quality staffing services for our developmentallycooking1 disabled clients, to promote independence in all aspects of their lives. Since 1995 Placeone has served the greater Thurston County area in supporting individuals referred by the Division of Developmental Disabilities.
Dungarvin Washington Supported Living provides individualized community supports for people with developmental disabilities, building programs to meet the needs of each individual they serve. Each Dungarvin location provides supports to people with varying needs, tailored to each person's hope, dreams, goals and needs.